Cord Type* AWG Size Range Number of Conductors Conductor Insulation Jacket** Temperature Rating*** Voltage Rating
Std. Other
TPT 27 (Tinsel) 2 0.030 Plastic 60 250
SP-1 18 2 or 31 0.030 Rubber 60 300
SPT-1 18 2 or 31 0.045 Rubber 60 75, 90, 105 300
SP-2 18-16 2 or 31 0.045 Rubber 60 300
SPT-2 18-16 2 or 31 0.045 Plastic 60 75, 90, 105 300
SP-3 18-12 2 or 31 0.060 Rubber2 60 300
SPT-3 18-10 2 or 31 0.060 Plastic2 60 75, 90, 105 300
TS 27 (Tinsel) 2 0.015 Rubber 0.031 Rubber 60 125
TST 27 (Tinsel) 2 0.015 Plastic 0.031 Plastic 60 125
SV 18 2 or 31 0.015 Rubber 0.030 Rubber 60 75, 90 300
SVE 18 2 or 31 0.015 Elastomer 0.030 Elastomer 105 300
SVEO 18-17 2 or 31 0.015 Elastomer 0.030 Elastomer 105 300
SVO 18 2 or 31 0.015 Rubber 0.030 Neoprene~ 60 75, 90 300
SVT 18-17 2 or 31 0.015 Plastic 0.030 Plastic 60 75, 90, 105 300
SVTO 18-17 2 or 31 0.015 Plastic 0.030 Plastic 60 75, 90, 105 300
SJ 18-10 2, 3, 4 0.030 Rubber3 0.030 Rubber2 60 75, 90 300
SJE 18-10 2, 3, 4, 5 0.030 Elastomer2 0.030 Elastomer2 105 300
SJEO 18-10 2, 3, 4, 5 0.030 Elastomer2 0.030 Elastomer2 105 300
SJO 18-10 2, 3, 4 0.030 Rubber3 0.030 Neoprene~3 60 75, 90, 105 300
SJOOW 18-10 2, 3, 4 0.030 Rubber3 0.030 Neoprene~3 60 75, 90, 105 300
SJT 18-10 2, 3, 4 0.030 Plastic3 0.030 Plastic3 60 75, 90, 105 300
SJTO 18-10 2, 3, 4 0.030 Plastic3 0.030 Plastic3 60 75, 90, 105 300
S 18-2 2 or more 0.030 Rubber2 0.060 Rubber2 60 75, 90 600
SE 18-2 2 or more 0.030 Elastomer2 0.060 Elastomer2 105 600
SEO 18-2 2 or more 0.030 Elastomer2 0.060 Elastomer2 105 600
SO 18-2 2 or more 0.030 Rubber2 0.060 Neoprene~2 60 75, 90 600
SOOW 18-2 2 or more 0.030 Rubber2 0.060 Neoprene~2 60 75, 90 600
ST 18-2 2 or more 0.030 Plastic2 0.060 Plastic2 60 75, 90, 105 600
STO 18-2 2 or more 0.030 Plastic2 0.060 Plastic2 60 75, 90, 105 600
STOOW 18-2 2 or more 0.030 Plastic2 0.060 Plastic2 60 75, 90, 105 600
HPN 18-12 2 or 31 0.045 Neoprene 90 105 300
HSJ 18-12 2, 3, 4 0.030 Neoprene2 0.030 Rubber2 90 300
HSJO 18-12 2, 3, 4 0.030 Neoprene2 0.030 Neoprene~2 90 300
HS 14-12 2, 3, 4 0.045 Neoprene2 0.060 Rubber2 90 300
HSO 14-12 2, 3, 4 0.045 Neoprene2 0.060 Neoprene~2 90 300

* Types SVO, SVTO, SJO, SJOOW, SJTO, SO, SOOW, STO HSJO and HSO have jackets which are also recognized for oil resistance at maximum temperature of 60C. Types SJ, SJO, SJT, SJTO, S, SO, ST and STO may also be printed as “OOW” infering an oil resistant insulation and an oil resistant and moisture resistant jacket. Acceptable for indoor/outdoor use. 3-wire SJT may be made in special low-leakage constructions for medical equipment cords.

** Where no jacket is shown, the construction is integral or flat style with insulation also serving as jacket.

*** For cordage ratings higher than 60C, the temperature limit is printed on the outside of the jacket. This does not apply to heater cordage type HPN, rated 90C or 105C. Also, for heater cordage types HSJ, HSJO, HS and HSO, the core is rated 90C while temperature printed on outside applies only to jacket.

Recognized in three conductors where third or center conductor (with green of treen/yellow stripe) is used for equipment grounding.

Insulation and jacket thickness depend on cordage size. Thickness shown are for 18 and 16 AWG.

Insulation and jacket thickness depend on cordage size. No. 12 AWG requires .030” conductor insulation thickness and .045” jacket thickness. No. 10 AWG requires .045” conductor insulation thickness and .060” jacket thickness.

Chlorosulfonated polyethylene and other UL Listed materials may be used as jacketing material for such cordage as SVO, SJO, SO and HPN to provide oil resistance and/or colors with excellent stability in all shades.

NOTE Types TPT, SPT-1, SPT-2, SPT-3, HPN (two conductors only) and SVO, SVT, SJO, SJT, SO and ST may be made in retractile form.

The term Elastomer refers to thermoplastic elastomer.