AAR Association of American Railroads
ABS American Bureau of Shipping
AEIC Association of Edison illuminating Cos.
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials
CAA Civil Aeronautics Administration
CSA Canadian Standards Association
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
IAEI International Association of Electrical Inspectors
IEEE Institution of Electrical & Electronic Engineers
ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association
IMSA International Municipal Signal Association
ISO International Organization for Standards
MESA Mine Environmental Safety Act
MSHA Mine Safety and Health Administration
NEC National Electrical Code
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NMBTA National Machine Tool Builders Association
UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
USCG United States Coast Guard
WC3 Same as ICEA S19-81
WC5 Same as ICEA S61-402
WC7 Same as ICEA S66-524
WC8 Same as ICEA S68-516
WC50 Same as ICEA P53-426
ICEA Standards
P46-426 Power cable ampacities, aluminum conductor
P46-426 Power cable ampacities, copper conductor
P53-426 Ampacities 15KV-35KV, copper and aluminum
S19-81 Rubber insulated wire and cable
S56-434 Communication cable
S61-402 Thermoplastic – Insulated wire and cable
S66-524 Cross-linked thermosetting polyethylene-insulated wire and cable
S68-516 Ethylene propylene rubber insulated wire and cable
UL Standards
UL 4 Armored cable
UL 13 Power limited circuit cable
UL 44 Rubber-insulated wire and cable
UL 62 Flexible cord and fixture wire
UL 83 Thermoplastic-Insulated wire and cable
UL 133 Wire and cables with varnished cloth insulation
UL 493 Thermoplastic-insulated underground feeder and branch-circuit cable
UL 509 Bus drop cable
UL 719 Nonmetallic-sheathed cables
UL 814 Gas-tube sign and ignition cable
UL 817 Cord sets and power supply cords
UL 854 Service-entrance cables
UL 1063 Machine-tool wires and cables
UL 1072 Medium voltage power cables
UL 1277 Electrical power and control tray cables w/ optional optical fiber members
UL 1424 Power limited fire-protective signaling-circuit cable
UL 1426 Electric cables for boats
UL 1569 Metal clad cables
UL 1581 Reference standard for electrical wires, cables and flexible cords
Article 310 Conductors for general wiring
Article 340 Power and control tray cable, Type TC
Article 725 Remote control, signaling and power limited circuits
Article 760 Fire protective signaling
Article 770 Fiber optic cables
Article 800 Communication circuits
Article 820 Coaxial cable in CATV systems